Another day at the office, right? Not quite. Nikola Tesla makes the most of each work day, grinding every minute to produce the most innovative and technologically impactful devices in human history. The Tesla coil, electrical wonders, and also...a time machine! It is not documented publicly anywhere, but we discovered the blueprints to a device that will unlocks endless time travel possibilities in current day.
In this escape room experience, we assembled you, a team of scientists to shoot back to the early 1900’s, when Tesla had created this magnificent piece of technology. We need to retrieve it for the betterment of humankind, because optimum time travel is the key to retroactively solving all of our illnesses and issues. This isn’t just an adventure, it’s an act of heroism, and the moment we have the energy block in our grips, everyone’s lives will change forever. This fantasy adventure is among the best and newest escape rooms that 60out has to offer — the future is bright!